The restoration and display of our replica Hawker Hurricane has added a significant degree of interest to the museum, but it can only be displayed when the forecast weather permits.

The purchase and restoration of the Hurricane was very costly and now there is one more step to ensure that it was all worthwhile.

The final stage will ensure that it can be on display constantly, alongside a number of WW2 RAF exhibits at all times of the year and that we can also hold events (under cover if need-be), throughout the year without having to worry about the weather. 

Our planned hanger addition to the museum has received approval from Boston Borough Council and checking the site for laying the foundations has already commenced.

We have a CROWDFUNDERS page where our supporters can make a donation to help us to complete the project. 

Adding the hanger will do so much for the museum going forward. In addition to some great publicity, the new building will significantly increase interest in the museum, encourage more visitors to bring family and friends, and others to return for additional visits, and it will­­­­­ help us to significantly increase our winter visitor numbers.  


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